
An application intended for task-specific working time monitoring.

User interface created with Angular and Bootstrap for task-specific time tracking. The user interface uses the NgRx library for centralized state management. The application includes support for several languages and themes.

The server side is located in the cloud service provided by AWS. The backend is implemented using Lambdas and DynamoDB.


Angular: 13
Bootstrap: 5
NgRx: 13

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EASA Part-FCL ATPL(A)/PBN Examination results
Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom (CAA Finland)
May - June 2021
School exams average 98 %.
Subject Score Attempt
010 - Air Law 100 % 1.
021 - Airframe / Systems / Powerplant 91 % 1.
022 - Instrumentation 98 % 1.
031 - Mass and balance 93 % 1.
032 - Performance 100 % 1.
033 - Flight planning and monitoring 95 % 1.
040 - Human performance 91 % 1.
050 - Meteorology 96 % 1.
061 - General navigation 97 % 1.
062 - Radio navigation 94 % 1.
070 - Operational procedures 97 % 1.
081 - Principles of flight 90 % 1.
091 - VFR Communication 100 % 1.
092 - IFR Communication 100 % 1.
= 96 % (avg)
EASA Part-FCL ATPL(A)/PBN koetulokset
Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto Traficom (CAA Finland)
Toukokuu - kesäkuu 2021
Koulun kokeiden keskiarvo 98 %.
Aine Tulos Yritys
010 - Air Law 100 % 1.
021 - Airframe / Systems / Powerplant 91 % 1.
022 - Instrumentation 98 % 1.
031 - Mass and balance 93 % 1.
032 - Performance 100 % 1.
033 - Flight planning and monitoring 95 % 1.
040 - Human performance 91 % 1.
050 - Meteorology 96 % 1.
061 - General navigation 97 % 1.
062 - Radio navigation 94 % 1.
070 - Operational procedures 97 % 1.
081 - Principles of flight 90 % 1.
091 - VFR Communication 100 % 1.
092 - IFR Communication 100 % 1.
= 96 % (ka.)